
The library for web and native user interfaces




Web Frameworks


React Overview

React.js, developed by Facebook, is a widely used open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Known for its component-based architecture, React enables the creation of reusable UI components, promoting modularity and ease of maintenance. Key features include the virtual DOM for efficient rendering, JSX syntax for concise UI code, and a unidirectional data flow for predictable state management.

React embraces a declarative programming paradigm, emphasizing the desired outcome over step-by-step instructions. React Hooks enhance functional components with state and lifecycle features. The library's ecosystem includes tools like React Router for navigation and Redux for state management.

With a vibrant community and a broad ecosystem, React is a popular choice for single-page applications (SPAs), web applications, and cross-platform development through React Native. Its efficiency, reusability, and flexibility make it a valuable tool for developers building dynamic and interactive user interfaces.

React Features

Component-Based Architecture:

React follows a component-based structure, allowing developers to build reusable and modular UI components.

Virtual DOM:

React uses a virtual DOM to efficiently update and render changes in the UI, optimizing performance.

JSX (JavaScript XML):

JSX provides a syntax extension for JavaScript, enabling a more readable and declarative way to define UI components.

Unidirectional Data Flow:

React maintains a unidirectional data flow, simplifying the tracking of data changes and improving predictability.

React Hooks:

Hooks introduced in React 16.8 allow the use of state and lifecycle features in functional components, enhancing code readability.

Declarative Syntax:

React adopts a declarative programming paradigm, making it easier to understand and maintain code by focusing on the desired outcomes.

Reusable Components:

Components are designed for reusability, promoting a modular approach to building UI elements.

React Router:

React Router is a library that facilitates navigation and routing in React applications, enabling the creation of single-page applications.

State Management:

React provides an efficient way to manage component state, influencing how components render and behave.

Community and Ecosystem:

React has a large and active community, contributing to a diverse ecosystem of libraries and tools, including Redux for state management and Next.js for server-side rendering.

Efficiency and Performance:

React's virtual DOM and efficient rendering contribute to high performance in web applications.


React can be easily integrated into existing projects, offering flexibility and allowing gradual adoption.

Cross-Platform Development:

React Native extends React for cross-platform mobile app development, allowing code reuse for iOS and Android.

Updates and Support:

React is regularly updated with new features and improvements, and it enjoys strong support from the development community.

React Alternatives


Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces, focusing on simplicity and flexibility.


The React Framework


Cybernetically enhanced web apps


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